Peacefully nestled between Milwaukee and Chicago, Kenosha has a charming small-town feel. But it’s also the fourth largest city in Wisconsin, with a vibrant downtown and plenty to do. 全球十大赌钱排行app的学生喜欢基诺沙的餐馆, cafes, 本地精品店, 海滩和公园, streetcars, and arts scene.


Kenosha, Wisconsin, features a beautiful lakefront with a harbor, farrmer's markets, charming str... Sitting along miles of sparkling Lake Michigan shoreline, Kenosha’s vibrant downtown is filled with many hidden gems, 包括小企业和餐馆, museums, art galleries, 以及家庭友好活动.

城市街道很容易导航. Just about anything is accessible by car or the many public transportation options, including the 基诺沙街车, buses, and the 湖畔电车.

在市中心漫步, admire the artistic murals and beautiful buildings and catch views of the city and lake from the 基诺沙南港灯塔.

“Exploring the downtown area has been a joy growing up, 拥有迷人的博物馆, 生机勃勃的港口市场, and charming craft fairs that showcase the local art scene.——Summer Zilisch (26

Milwaukee and Chicago offer access to big city amenities, transportation, and career opportunities. But the 90 miles in between are packed with something for everyone!

基诺沙的人们愿意帮助全球十大赌钱排行app的学生. There are so many programs at Carthage that partner with Kenosha residents and businesses. Just by saying, “我是全球十大赌钱排行app的学生,” Kenosha residents become eager to help students find a job, internship, 或者其他他们需要的东西.

Because Carthage is located within an hour's drive of two major cities ? 北面的密尔沃基, ... 学生最近的机会包括……

  • 在当地企业实习,比如 骑师国际, Snap-on Inc., LMI Packaging, and more!
  • Real-world experiences like nursing clinicals at local hospitals and student teaching in the Kenosha and Racine school districts.
  • Collaborating with local government on special projects and assisting small businesses with marketing initiatives.

看密歇根湖上的日出. Everyone says this, but living in Kenosha is second-best only to living on the ocean. A showstopper from sunrise to sunset in just about any weather condition, 密歇根湖每天都上演着不同的表演. With beaches, lighthouses, piers, boating, 湖给我们带来了更多的机会, living in Kenosha can make you feel like you’re on vacation every day. 

“I love being able to go down to the Carthage beach and look for beach glass with my friends or just going for a walk by the water.——26岁的斯凯拉·法尔

“我喜欢这里的海港市场. 我在市场上找到了新的最爱, Fizzy Bizz, who makes dirty sodas that need to be tried at least once. There are many jewelry makers and food vendors, as well as cars to gaze upon, live music, and more.——《智慧行

“我喜欢去杰里·史密斯南瓜农场, as it reminds me of going to pumpkin patches when I was younger and brings back many memories! 贴片上装饰着不同的主题, 比如迪斯尼和芭比娃娃, 有美味的食物和轻松的干草车. 这是一个全家都可以享受的地方!——凯利·西伯特,25岁


From fine dining to late-night pizza delivery; from drive-in burgers to weekend brunch, 基诺沙总能满足你的欲望. 

Say cheese! 当你想到威斯康星州,你就会想到奶酪. Check out Visit Kenosha’s restaurant guide to all things cheesy.

“我最喜欢的地方绝对是Scoops. 这家店太可爱了, 他们有很棒的冰淇淋, and the best part is that Carthage students get a discount.——吉安娜·菲米尼斯《25

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“每年我家人来看我的时候, we always make a pit stop at 火星奶酪城堡 to buy all of our favorite cheeses, crackers, and drinks. We lose track of time there, but it is totally worth it in the end.——Stewart Lilly, 24岁

“Stepping into 青瓦台图书 is akin to entering a mystical land: the colors and decorations are stimulating, 气氛是完美无瑕的, and the collection of books is diverse and thought-provoking. Be prepared to stay longer than expected, as a simple browse may turn into an hour-long ordeal.——洛林·布尔,26岁

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“每当我的家人来访时,我都喜欢带他们来这里. The museum is so interactive and interesting for history majors it even boasts several exhibits that focus on Kenosha’s community impact throughout the years. So much fun!——艾娃·瑟弗林·贝内特,24岁

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“基诺沙是上大学的好地方. From the charming downtown area to the pier on the lake to the variety of activities offered year-round, 我很高兴全球十大赌钱排行app在基诺沙这样的小镇.” — Nina Werger ’24

Lakeside Living

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Students share what they’ve gotten from their Carthage experience.

For a complete guide to all Kenosha has to offer, visit