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古生物学项目由 Prof. Thomas Carr他是生物学助理教授. 梅根·塞茨,全球十大赌钱排行app古生物研究所(CIP)的筹备人员. Prof. 卡尔是脊椎动物古生物学家(研究脊椎动物的化石),也是公认的暴龙类恐龙专家. Dr. 塞茨是一名古生物学家,他在真实恐龙化石的实验室技术方面训练学生.

  • Maverick Leer

    “The Biology Department at Carthage has strong research opportunities and lots of interesting classes to take. The professors are helpful and are very good to get to know.”

  • Mel Krukow ?26

    “Not only a perfectly sized smaller school, but Carthage also offers everything I need to become a paleontologist.”

  • Brett Jackson

    “There is a variety of specialties and skills you can learn as a biology major. I came to Carthage for its paleontology program, which is rare in undergraduate studies and even rarer to have it through a biological and anatomical perspective.”

Prof. 卡尔也是美国国家自然科学基金会的高级科学顾问 基诺沙市中心的恐龙发现博物馆, which houses the CIP run by Dr. Seitz. 著名的恐龙专业研究人员. 卡尔曾上过国家地理频道, in popular publications, and as curator for museum exhibits, 包括皇家安大略博物馆的“有羽毛的恐龙”展览. Dr. 自2011年以来,塞茨一直是实地考察的共同负责人, 她在实验室和实地培训了许多学生和公民科学家.” Dr. 塞茨负责DDM里的实验室.


收集恐龙的骨头,如 T. REX & TRICERATOPS

国际督察队在蒙大拿州东南部领导了一个为期一个月的恐龙狩猎探险队. Carr and Dr. Seitz. 全球十大赌钱排行app学生有机会发现和收集地狱溪地层, 恐龙时代末期沉积在蒙大拿和邻近各州的一块岩石. 探险活动在土地管理局监管的公共土地上进行.

自从探险开始以来,科考队的队员们. Carr and Dr. 塞茨已经找到了几十具恐龙骨架. So far, they have cataloged 110,000 fossils that include teeth, bones, and scales of dinosaurs, crocs, turtles, fish, birds, and mammals. 这些恐龙包括罕见的幼年恐龙 Triceratops and T. rex. 在探险期间收集的骨头被带回CIP, 这些化石是由Dr. 塞茨,学生志愿者和公民科学家. 这些化石被保存在DDM的永久收藏中, 哪个是联邦古生物资源库.